
I am a full-stack developer with a special interest in decentralization, particularly to do with large-scale content distribution networks and the problems that come with the costly storage solutions these platforms rely upon. I am currently building upon my skills on both the front and back-end so that I can further explore this area in the hopes of contributing to or creating new open source solutions to the issue that also, importantly, provides a clean and easy to operate user experience to provide maximum accessibility to the average user.

I have experience building production applications from scratch, as well as maintaining enterprise productions, in React/Typescript and Nextjs, as well as mobile applications with React Native and recently, PWA's. I also have created my own Laravel backend for a project I am currently working on and maintain, update, and add new functionality to an enterprise backend system in the same stack.
| My current workplace which includes multiple projects I have been working on. The main project has been and continues to be the Rocket Languages web app, hosted at app.rocketlanguages.com, where I have contributed to significant portions of the entire site over the last year and a half. I have also built an admin app for them from the ground up, the frontend for their affiliate area in NextJs, worked on and am currently implementing a massive version change for their React Native mobile app, and in the last year have upskilled to fullstack and have been adding and updating routes on their backend Laravel infrastructure.
| Business website for my brother acting in his professional role as an author. Displays his repetoire of books to be purchased through Amazon. This is a jamstack setup, the frontend is all custom Nextjs with a headless CMS managing the content side so that he can update it whenever he wants.
| Business website for Hopkins Marketing advertising their marketing services. Includes a contact form which will forward them an email service I have arranged for them. This is also a jamstack setup, so they can manage almost all the content displayed on the page through a separate content management system.